Saturday, January 30, 2010

aspirations of a new pompom.

basically what my title says.

i'm going to try and aspire to be a better person. a new man .
Shit happens, but we gotta build a bridge and walk over it and get over it.
Lingering in the past will only lead to self-doubt and other unwanted emotions.
I really do hope, this year will be a year full of positive outcomes in all aspects of life.

Thanks to y'all who guided me a through a tough 2009 and early 2010, you know who you are :D.

:) & <3 .

Monday, January 25, 2010

For a Pessimist, I'm pretty optimistic..

I never wanted to say this
You never wanted to stay
I put my faith in you, so much faith
And then you just threw it away

You threw it away..

Sunday, January 24, 2010


why .. do i fail so miserably..

why.. is there always a 3rd party

why.. do things always fuck up, no matter how hard i try.. no matter how much effort put in..

Friday, January 22, 2010


seriously, what a fucking waste of time , made me wait and then doesn't GO . fuck you.

Monday, January 18, 2010


This is one coldddd and rainy night.. especially for summer :/ .

Anywho, just before as i was using the computer i got this like tickling sensastion on my left left and i get this feeling alot, and i'd just look at my leg and find nothing there.. but tonight, i found his medium-sized spider on my leg .. and i quickly flicked it off, and stepped on it.. .
It died :D .

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

fantastic mr. fox .

the cute little pure bred papillon we saw. :) .

a beautiful day today was, and spent it with a pretty cool person (: . we decided to watch fantastic mr. fox , actually i pretty much decided for mackie, cause at first she didn't want to watch it but after watching it she liked it :D . Before we went in, we went to this pet shop and saw this awesome little cute puppy( Pure Papillon breed ) . She went and asked for the price of it and the lady working there said it was around $ 1,295, we just stared each other, and was just like O-O .

Anyways, so we went and watched the movie, and i knew she would like it. Even though she was like saying this is a kid movie ! we're gonna be like surrounded by litttle kids, well that wasnt the case at all, there was alot more old people than i expected :/ . After that we just had dinner that and just talkedd :] .

i do regret not doing something though, but i am sure another oppurnity will come .
-fingers crossed-

p.s i like to eat

Monday, January 11, 2010

yeah, ok, w/e .

title pretty much says it all.

i know it and you know it. So why?
or am i just paranoid?
i just don't know anymore.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

strings broke.

So i was playing tennis today . Yes, i know it was a 35 degree day but i wanted to play, so i did (: . As i was hitting the ball in one of my points, my strings broke }: . So now i gotta wait for the string-ing person to restring raquet, which will take a few days. It doesn't really matter because its going to be even hotter tommorrow, its not like i'll want to play in 40 degree heat D: . Anywho, on the bright side, Aaron's back from his bogan holiday trip around Australia !

p.s i like to eat ;

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

subway ftl .

compliance didn't come today, therefore we had to work our ass off, so that we don't get in trouble.. and this time we had to especially work harder in all aspects.. because the subway company changed the person who is the usual person , to some tight and strict lady.. :( . Anyways on a happier note, some kid came in today and said " can i get a foot long, italian herbs and chinese " LOL . i gave a little chuckle, and moved on in making the sub, because i don't think he realised what he said, lmao .

p.s i like to eat ;


Today, i watched avatar again, but in 3-d :D and ate heaps ! Its also the date of when i first started my blog, i hope i'll keep this thing updated, lOl . Since its also sorta still new year-ish , i just wanna add that 2009 was quite an interesting and enjoyable year, one i won't forget for a while. i hope that 2010 will be even a better year (: , hard to imagine it being better though.. bloody vce :[ ..

p.s i like to eat ;